A forecast parser for Meteo France AROME files.
Forecast report
This is an example of the HTML forecast report:
- Download the latest run of AROME 0.01 meteo files.
- Parse them and extract wind speed/direction and temperature at a specific location.
- 42 hours forecast for several locations exported as html file or txt format.
Known issues
- Sometimes Meteo France servers are not providing AROME files properly: the name of the retrieved file is wrong (and the content as well). For the moment the only solution is to run again
and hope that it will get the file ;-)
- The whole software was written in a couple of hours without quality in mind. As a consequence, there are no tests and most of the returned errors are not checked. It obviously needs to be improved.
Runtime dependencies
2 command line tools are required:
: needed to download AROME files from Meteo France servers.
: needed to parse AROME files and extract meteo data at a specific location (this tool is part of the ecCodes distribution: ).
Build requirements
g++ 5.x/6.x
Qt 5.x
and QtConcurrent
are necessary)
Build instructions
- Install build dependencies (ex. for Ubuntu 17.10):
sudo apt-get install build-essential qt5-default libeccodes-tools
- Generate makefile:
- Build:
- Run (the forecast is generated for locations defined in a setting file (check syntax here:
./aromatic -c locations.ini